Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Faculty meeting after school. These can at times be a bit tedious but they are necessary. I hope to mow the lawn today. On a personal note, I wish my state income tax refund would come. They've had it long enough. It's mine, and I surely could use some of it for the trip to Florida this weekend. Tomorrow is the senior class trip and for the first time in probably a decade I'm not going. I often tried to tell students how stressful it is for chaperons because we are responsible for each and every student who goes along. I rarely slept well the night before. Tomorrow, I'll stand in the parking lot waving good bye. Good bye!

Yesterday I won a contest and a candy bar. Now people resent me. Deal with it.

I'm nearing the end of The Fountainhead. I'm actually dreading finishing it because I've figured out who the real villain is and I'm afraid he's going to win. I've become sympathetic with most of the characters and I've begun to hate this one. Am I being manipulated by the author?

Mrs. Powers will be in for me on Friday, but the way I figure it, most of my classes will be decimated by prom fever.

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