Wednesday, August 19, 2009

School does start next week. I don't know if I'll get in there before next week which makes me feel irresponsible, but in reality, I would probably just go hang out. I haven't golfed since Saturday. I plan to tomorrow.
My daughter bought a new car last night with some help from dad. That's me. She needed a new car, but I was surprised at how popular Honda Fits are right now. It's actually a cute little car and seems pretty solid.
I'm watching the news, and they are replaying some of last week's town meeting in Lebanon. I fear posting my true political feelings, because for everyone who agrees with me, there are people who disagree, and it's weird because as a teacher, I am discouraged from sharing political positions. If I tell you I like a certain writer, and that writer is one who supports my political positions, isn't that necessarily stating, indirectly, what my position is.
For example, there was a woman on the news this morning who said, "Any time the government gets involved in something, they tend to muck it up." Now I won't say whether or not I agree with this woman, but the fact that I quoted her means I find her statement somehow worthy of being repeated. What would this infer?
The dog is sitting on my lap as I blog. I would appreciate any input from anyone on how to housebreak him. He's not doing his best, and I've been left alone with this task now, though if I had my way, I wouldn't have a dog right now. That's not to say I don't like him, but because I like him doesn't mean I don't have some idea of how this makes our lives much more complicated because every decision we make as long has we have a dog must be made considering that fact. How long has the dog been alone? Considering our Florida situation, this contributes a whole new set of circumstances to my life. I tend to be sensitive to animals. I don't want to be one of those pet owners who is negligent. I don't like the idea of penning a dog for more than a couple hours at a time. So in the back of my mind, a clock is always ticking. At night, I listen for any sign of his needing to go out.
So this is now my new life with a dog.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

School starts in a bit. Actually, a week and two days.

I am watching We Are Marshall.

My daughter is officially engaged. Ring and everything. It's quite nice.

Trying to get my mind into school, but I am trying hard to get the most out of my summer. Yesterday my son and I played 36 holes of golf. It was pretty much fun, but I did grow weary in the afternoon.

The puppy is growing. I am a bit frustrated with his house brokenness or lack thereof. His messes are quite small though, so that's the positive side, if there is one.

Heat. It's wilting. I set off fireworks last night. We bought a firepit which is a fancy name for a thing you can burn stuff in outside and stay warm or keep the bugs away. We used it for the first time last night, and the kids made smores. I am not a fan of smores. I find them a bit too mushy and sweet. Many people love them

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the classes I have this year. Unsure about the future of blogging. Unsure of the requirements for blogging.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday evening. It's been a little while since I posted anything significant. The dog is adjusting to us as we are to him. He's the size of a small cat. I guess I consider it killing two birds with one stone. That's an idiom and we have been discussing idioms in the final of the three classes I just completed teaching yesterday. It's quite tiring, this teaching business because you have to be up all the time. From the moment the first student arrives until the last student leaves, you have to be the teacher. At NL, I get little breaks between classes where I can let down my guard a bit, but these classes are hard. Teaching teachers also adds an additional pressure because who is to say that I know any more than they do. But I'm grateful for the opportunity (now that it's over) to teach.

I've gotten the beginning of the year letters advising me when to be there and what we will be doing for the first couple days. Where did the summer go?

I guess the biggest news is that Chipotle Mexican Grill opened this weekend in Harrisburg. My son and daughter went. I didn't. I understand that on Friday they were giving away free burritos and that the line was all the way around the block. Free burritos. Life is good. I haven't been there yet but my daughter, either in an attempt to somehow gain my favor, or just because she's a nice girl, brought me a burrito bowl. That's a burrito without the shell in a bowl.

Looks like there have been some changes to my schedule this year. Looking forward to it, sort of. I may be teaching some old stuff again that I haven't taught for a while. That's all good because I love literature.

Not much else. Another Saturday night watching whatever is on the tube. Daughter's with the BF and son's at a wedding. Not his, or I'd be there.