Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring. It comes and goes. Yesterday I was at the baseball game in shorts. A half hour later it was blowing like crazy and the temperature must have dropped 20 degrees.

We are nearing the midway point of the marking period. May 1 I guess is it. The students are working on the career unit and should wrap that up by Friday. I think I have most of the grading caught up with the exception of a few stragglers

We have an extended homeroom schedule today. That throws me off. I'm notsure with my next class comes in. Looks like in five minutes. Time to take a quick walk. Later.

Oh my word. How incredibly difficult can you make the most simple instructions.

I have never watched Southpark and would actually love seeing it dropped from the lineup of television shows.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh but why Mr.Miller? Its such a great show and so educational.

Sarcasm, its good for the soul