Thursday, April 16, 2009

Food Humor

I don't get food humor. I don't understand why people use food in that way. This morning, someone on the news was doing an interview and got a pie in the face. I'm not sure why that's supposed to be funny. I dislike the whole wedding cake in the face thing too. I think it's kind of demeaning. I'm not being overly sensitive to those people who go to bed hungry, I do think there is something to that, but I just don't get it. That's my rant for the day.

The old Accord, I now have to differentiate between the old Accord and the new Accord, got inspected yesterday. Holy cow! Muffler, ball joint, emissions, brakes, gasket, I'm not saying how much it cost but I won't be buying any new stuff for a bit. My guy says, it's good for another year. I certainly hope so.

Yesterday there were a number of political protests across the country regarding the increase in taxes and government bailouts of corporations. It was modeled after the Boston Tea Party and TEA was to stand for taxed enough already. I guess there was something in Harrisburg. I did not participate in any of these demonstrations. I do have opinions, but I'm not revealing them.

We did get a new coffee maker yesterday. I'm glad about that. It's pretty and shiny and makes a nice cup of joe! Who came up with that joe thing as a coffee name? The best coffee I ever had was in Costa Rica. Rich, full, not at all bitter. We brought a couple pounds home, but it's gone now. Yesterday I also filled the gas tank. Prices are creeping up again, but we're no where near where we were last year. I know I paid over $4 a gallon on a few occasions, so I can't complain.


B. Christman said...

I never understood how the pie to the face thing was funny, either. Then again, when the Three Stooges had pie fights, they managed to make it funny. Anybody else doing it... not so much.

personality: unique said...

I think the 'funny' part of getting someone in the face with a pie is just the fact that the person was caught off guard. But, I see your point. In and of itself, the whole pie thing isn't very funny. And I am praying the gas prices don't get too bad. Sorry about your car. :(