Friday, April 3, 2009

Dress down day!

It's Friday and it's dress down day and it's pay day. Sweet!
I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It's not really a Hawaiian shirt. I have a real Hawaiian shirt that I got in Hawaii, but I didn't wear that one.
Not bad. Hawaii?
That's a joke.
Last night I watched the final episode of ER. I would have listed that as one of my favorite shows about ten years ago, but after the Mark Green character died, I lost interest in it. I didn't know many of the regulars last night, but still it was a good show. For a show to last 15 years is quite an accomplishment, and as I look at how old I was when the show started (38) and now, a lot of time has passed, and a lot of things have happened personally in that time, and so in some ways, it's been a bit of a constant on Thursday nights.
My wife is taking a half day off today. My daughter is working late. She'll be working 11 to 8 because of interviews. I'm really hoping she gets something permanent through this internship, but she certainly has had some great experiences.
She has heard from some of her friends at WDW that there have been layoff's there. I'm pretty excited about heading down there after school is out for the year. I hope to get to WDW a bunch. Our annual passes expired July 11, so we want to get the most out of those. I also have some golf specials that I can use through the end of July to play on the WDW courses.
Next week is a short week with Good Friday, and then the following week will be a short week as well.
For all of you following my blog, I hope you have a great day. For those of you who don't follow it, you will never see this and it will be your loss.
High fives....


B. Christman said...

Hawaiian shirts are awesome... Hawaii.

My mom used to love ER, but she stopped watching it eight or nine years ago. I watched it too, but it's kind of hard to understand a hospital drama when you're eight years old.

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, we hope you have a great day, too.

Mr. Miller said...

Thanks Ben.