Thursday, March 5, 2009

Life is a vapor.
That's a quote. Where is it from?
Kids are heading this way and our issue today is the death penalty, but I'm not feeling very discussive about the death penalty today. I just made up that word. Discussive.
If you were an English teacher, what would you think is important? Grammar. Literature. Writing. All three?
I like grammar. It's about structure and patterns and so on. I love literature, but not all of it. Sometimes I don't like things that I think a typical English teacher should. Shakespeare, for example, is a great playwright, but I don't get overly excited about him. On the other hand, I enjoy light reading, things that aren't so intellectually taxing.
I'm having a hankering for Mexican food today. Don't know why. I know they're serving the school's version of it in the cafeteria, but that's not exactly what I had in mind.
Have a great day.

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