Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's later in the day, in fact it is period 11, one of my favorite classes, and I'm blogging. Someone suggested that they pulled a Mr. Miller. I'm curious what that means. Perhaps it means being cool.
I must admit, I am quite distracted right now because of something that has nothing to do with school. It is often difficult to focus when something personal is bothering you, and that's a bit what's happening with me right now.


B. Christman said...

Period 11 is one of your favorite classes?

We love you too, Mr. Miller!

Erin said...

Awwww Mr.Miller....we're one of your favorite classes?

Lisa Marie said...

well hey thats mike for yah. But wow I wouldn't think it's the favorite but instead one of the most slackerish classes of all.

Olubode Afuape said...

O snap, were ur favorite class cause of me right? right? right? right? .......... ok ill stop >.<