Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I am starting a new project with the eleventh grade classes today. It involves the play, The Crucible. Arthur Miller is the author and he is one of my favorites, not simply because he has the same name as me, but because he was a great writer, he was married to Marilyn Monroe, and he was 6'4". One of my professors at Millersville had done his doctoral dissertation on Arthur Miller. I would think that doing a doctoral dissertation on a living person would be fascinating because they would actually be able to get feedback from that person.

I have continued to read The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis. I am fascinated by the way he frames his stories. The way he weaves his story is truly remarkable and at times difficult to understand, but I am 'getting the point' of what he is saying and I'm moved to think deeply about the subject. He is an author I wish I had met. His death went virtually unnoticed because it occurred the same day as the Kennedy assasination.

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