Sunday, August 16, 2009

School starts in a bit. Actually, a week and two days.

I am watching We Are Marshall.

My daughter is officially engaged. Ring and everything. It's quite nice.

Trying to get my mind into school, but I am trying hard to get the most out of my summer. Yesterday my son and I played 36 holes of golf. It was pretty much fun, but I did grow weary in the afternoon.

The puppy is growing. I am a bit frustrated with his house brokenness or lack thereof. His messes are quite small though, so that's the positive side, if there is one.

Heat. It's wilting. I set off fireworks last night. We bought a firepit which is a fancy name for a thing you can burn stuff in outside and stay warm or keep the bugs away. We used it for the first time last night, and the kids made smores. I am not a fan of smores. I find them a bit too mushy and sweet. Many people love them

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the classes I have this year. Unsure about the future of blogging. Unsure of the requirements for blogging.

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