Thursday, August 28, 2008

Did you hear about the butcher who backed into his meat grinder? He got a little behind in his work. That's how I feel.
I arrived at school to 19 emails. About 10 of them were from students who have mailed me their blogs. The rest were things of little value to me. The hummingbirds were back yesterday. I can see why bird watchers get so excited about see rare species of birds. No school for the kids tomorrow. I have inservice though at the present time, I don't know what I'll be doing.
I have a bunch of plans for the weekend. We have a picnic on Saturday and another on Sunday. The Sunday one is family. My brother and his family and their families and my sisters and theirs. I guess there will be quite a few people. Both my mom and dad are gone, so for us to get together is something that we have to put together. While my dad was still living, we used to congregate at his place on holidays, but it was December ten years ago that he died. Now, my older brother and sister have grandchildren of their own. Both of my brother's kids have two children each, and my older sister's oldest daughter has a little girl.
Enough of my ramblings.

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