Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Days of School.

I'm often critical of people who start blogs and then don't keep them updated, so I guess it's time to be critical of myself. Blog you idiot.

We are down to single digits. School days that is. My wife, Stephanie, is leaving the school to take another job at Hershey Medical Center. I think she'll be happy there. I hope so. She'll be working some interesting hours.

I, on the other hand, am still here. I'll be here next year and the next and the next and the next. I think that might be it barring some extreme change in circumstances.

I've come out of retirement to play softball for the church. I am not what I used to be or what I once was. Does that say the same thing. I recall writing about cooper. Cooper turned two this week. We didn't have any celebration. Nothing really could be done, because truly, the term "dog's life" applies to him. What does he do? He lies around all day. He eats and drinks whenever he wants. He has no responsibilities other than lifting our spirits at the end of a long day, licking our faces, making us feel loved, but he does that without effort.

I have to give this year a C+. I wish it would be higher, but during the middle of the year, I took over for Ms. Hamilton, who left to go home to Cape May, NJ, and teach at her old high school. There was some shifting of classes and I didn't really get to know my seniors. By the time I got them, the AP kids that is, they seemed to be suffering from a severe case of senioritis. As of this moment, that is an incurable disease. Anyway, the girl who replaced her, Mrs. Voshell, is wonderful, and I'm pleased to note that she has been given the job permanently. My big decision now is whether or not I want to switch rooms.

The talent show is today.

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