Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It's one of those weird weeks. We are here all week but the kids are only here for three days. Then on Thursday, we work from noonish to eightish to meet the needs of those parents who work days and can only come in to see us at night. Friday the hours are more normal, eight to three, but it does make for an odd week.

I have to change everything. That's a pain. Moving I mean. Change of address forms, all kinds of forms, knowing that I won't remember everything, but I think my biggest concern is the changing of the email account. Moving from Jonestown to Palmyra means I have to switch comcast providers. I don't want to have to change my email address because I have so much sent to that email address.

The things I worry about.

I did golf on Saturday. It was fun. I played well and then lousy and then well and then lousy. I have applied to be the golf coach here next year. I have mixed feelings about it. Coaching requires a big commitment and I want to do a good job. I also want the kids to be better golfers.

Mulling over things.

I don't know about you, but I have a one track mind. When something major is going on in my life, like moving, I focus on that and struggle focusing on anything else. So right now, focusing on other things like correcting essays and tests and discussing Hamlet is much more difficult for me. But there is always something.


kreitzer22 said...

Mr. Miller!

I have been trying to get a hold of you for a very long time! How is Northern Lebanon? Lock Haven is going great! I love it up here! Jen and I are doing well...i totally forgot that I had this blog and then I remembered it the other day. I decided to get on and look at all my old posts. I think that I have changed a lot. I miss everyone so much from school! How are you and Mrs. Miller? What about your son and daughter? I feel like I have not talked to you in forever. I seems like forever ago that I was in your room everyday. I miss our talks that we used to have. Jen and I are keeping up with our faith here on campus. We joined a group called Christian Student Fellowship. It is one amazing group. We meet once a week and have Bible studies. I joined their praise band. Jen and I have made so many close friends from there. We also go to a coffee house for church every Sunday. It is called the Commonplace. The pastor, Josh, is very nice. I love his messages. They really inspire you. The coffee shop is called Avenue 209. It is owned by the pastor and his wife and all of the money that is made there, goes to the mission trips that they go on. It is really a great cause and some great coffee. So, I think that my comp teacher hates me. She keeps giving me bad grades on all of my papers! I think that if you read them, you would like them and give them a better grade. I will defiantly come and visit over break! We have a lot of catching up to do! I hope to hear from you soon! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

God Bless
Kendra Kreitzer : )

Mr. Miller said...

I think of you often. We're well. I'm glad to here that you are doing well and that you've found fellowship with other believers. We are moving to Palmyra in a week. Ross is very seriously dating a girl. Probably marrying her within a year. Megan is getting married in July to a nice boy here locally. She starts a new job at Nationwide. Hotel Hershey is not a great place to work.
Lots else but no time to type. Let me know that you read this.
Mr. Miller