Monday, May 4, 2009

Have we ever had an original thought? How easily are we influenced by the things around us? What to we really need? If we see something and everyone has suggested it's good, are we courageous enough to say it's bad? Do we let certain people get away with certain behavior because they are "good"? Do we condemn others for behavior that is "good" because we perceive them as being "bad"?

I'm a bit sad right now.

I'd like the rain to stop. It's boring me. I'd love a bit of sun, not that little peek of sunlight that we saw on Saturday, which came and went, but a few days of sun and warmth.

Is school the beginning or the end of your education? I'd suggest it's the beginning. Often in school, you are told to learn things that someone else has determined to be important for your well being. After school, you learn things that are of value to you. You find that there are things you need to survive in society. For example, you can learn to read maps in classes like geography, but if you must find your way somewhere, you will learn to read maps that way. If you need a certain skill to perform your job, you will learn that skill.


B. Christman said...

I find it funny that in our society, originality is encouraged, but whenever somebody shows originality, they are either ridiculed or ignored. I believe most people are influenced by the things around them. We do allow certain people to get away with certain behavior because they are "good" and condemn others for "good" behavior because we perceive them as being "bad". I can't call any examples to mind, but I know there are cases throughout history where this has been proven true... Wow... I got pretty philosophical there, didn't I?

I'd like the rain to stop, too. I don't mind when it's overcast though. Too much sunlight annoys me... I'm weird like that.

Erin said...

Wow Ben, pretty deep

B. Christman said...

I can get very philosophical if you let me. ^_^'

Olubode Afuape said...

i show originality, cant nobody ridicule me or ignore me lol. nothing less is expected from Ben, though, some pretty deep thoughts there.

P.S - The new Nissan maxima is pretty good ( ^_^ )

Lisa Marie said...

Mr. Miller I agree about the rain. It needs to STOP!!!!!!! It is annoying and it already rained enough.

Mr. Miller said...

Lisa Marie Presley!!!!