Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Evening

The talent show was pretty sweet yesterday. I'm going to let my hair grow and do that thing they do. Someone asked me if Lunch Money played like the band. We were a lot louder and heavy metalish. I made up that word. We made people's ears bleed.

I spent the morning weeding, mowing, trimming, sweeping, spreading weed killer on weeds, and sweating. Then Ross and I went over to Monroe Valley and hit some golf balls at the range. What a beautiful days it's been.

I watched some of the NFL draft. It bores me but they certainly make a big deal out of it. Last night we went to the Bears game and watched them win the series with the Phantoms. I saw a couple kids from school. Right now the Phillies are winning.

With the response I'm getting, I think I'm going to try to set up an informal book club next year. I don't know if we'll be using AR, so that would be nice, just read books and talk about them. I'm liking the idea.

I was watching the weather channel and they are predicting 90 on Monday. Ninty! Thursday, I had frost on the windshield. Don't you just love Pennsylvania!

1 comment:

B. Christman said...

I did not enjoy that band at all. When I listen to music, I like to know what the people are singing about... Plus I thought that the hair thing was just annoying.

It was a beautiful day.

I don't really pay attention to hockey or the NFL draft.

You should totally do the book club. Even if it's just a small handful of us.

90? Seriously? Holy cow! Pennsylvania has got to have the craziest weather in the US.