next week is the prom and i decided not to use capital letters today. just today. when i was in high school i went to two proms. both were lousy. you spend a lot of money in order to be bored. i looked really stupid too. when i was a junior, i rented a red crushed velvet tux with black pants, a velvet cummerbund, there's a word you don't use much, and red bow tie and a pink frilly shirt. there were three styles of tuxes available to rent, blue, red and white. my senior year i went with the white. we were on our own for dinner, so that added to the expense. no one rented limos back then. i'm not sure when that became the rage. it was all quite anticlimactic, the build up, the hair styling, the expensive dresses and rentals of tuxes, and then it's over. i think our tux rentals cost $27.50 or that may have been what i paid for my class ring. anyway, things were much cheaper then. we also had a morp. morp is the prom spelled backwards. it was held at the high school and you dressed down, girls asked guys, like the anti prom. don't know if they still do that now.
so if people make more money now but things cost more, what's the point of making more money. for example, when i first started working, i was paid around 10k a year. the average car cost about 5k and you could get a pretty decent starter house for, say, 28k. now, people might make 30k a year, a pretty decent wage, a very basic new car is going to cost you half that, say 15k, and the average house costs well over 100k (i can't really say what a 'starter home' is any more because it's pretty subjective). so is there any real advancement or can we just agree that the dollar buys a lot less now than it did 30 years ago. it's fun to say when i first started teaching , we made 10k a year, it sound like so little, but really, my living expenses were minimal plus we didn't have a lot of accessories like cell phones, and internet, things that have added to the cost of living.
so my class ring cost $27.50 and my tux rental cost $27.50 and my class jacket cost $15. my first guitar cost $27, a harmony stella, but the first one i bought cost $120. my dad loaned me the money and i paid him back $10 a month for a year. it was a yamaha acoustic guitar. back then a martin d-28 would have cost $395 but would be worth two or three thousand now. my yahama would probably be worth $120 if it were in good condition. i sold it to a girl. stupid me. i did stupid things for girls. like rent red velvet tuxes. and sell guitars.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine Flew
And they said pigs couldn't fly. Seriously, I feel bad for the sick pigs. Get better pigs!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I didn't keep score yesterday. That's kind of fun because you can only remember your good shots and forget your bad shots. It's funny how people are like that. We can be very forgiving of ourselves, and yet we are often not very forgiving of others. So in that respect, golf can be a lot like life. I don't cheat in golf. I know some people who do. Improving your lie. That's a big one. For those of you who don't know what that means, if the ball isn't sitting just the way you'd like it to be, you move it a bit. You make it better. There are occasions in golf where this is legal. If an area is marked ground under repair, you get a free drop, but if you have an unplayable lie, a point where you absolutely can't hit the ball, you get to drop the ball somewhere else that's no closer to the pin but there is a stroke penalty. There are lots of fun rules in golf, but there are also fun rules in life. Some of my friends with whom I golf at times agree that we won't hit a shot from a location that could damage our clubs. That's just common sense, but constantly improving one's lie, well, to me, that's just cheating. If you don't play it where it lies, how will you ever get better?
Monday, April 27, 2009
I'm reading The Fountainhead, and I'm really being drawn into it.
I have had a number of comments about my shirt. I think it's salmon. That's what I call it anyway. Yes, it's springy.
I think I'm hitting the links after school. The exercise will do me well. I'll be walking. Carts are for old people. And I'll carry my bag. I'm not a horrible golfer, but I'm not great either. Horrible would be struggling to break 100 and great would be consistently shooting in the 70's, so you can imagine where I fall. My daughter's special friend (that's dad talk for boyfriend) is a five (which means he usually shoots 77 or so) and though I haven't golfed with him yet, I look forward to it. Golf is interesting because you usually don't compete with the people you are playing with, you play the course, and that's why sometimes it's fun just to golf. There is a book, A Good Walk Spoiled, that is on my reading list. I think Rick Reilly wrote it but I haven't read it yet.
I have had a number of comments about my shirt. I think it's salmon. That's what I call it anyway. Yes, it's springy.
I think I'm hitting the links after school. The exercise will do me well. I'll be walking. Carts are for old people. And I'll carry my bag. I'm not a horrible golfer, but I'm not great either. Horrible would be struggling to break 100 and great would be consistently shooting in the 70's, so you can imagine where I fall. My daughter's special friend (that's dad talk for boyfriend) is a five (which means he usually shoots 77 or so) and though I haven't golfed with him yet, I look forward to it. Golf is interesting because you usually don't compete with the people you are playing with, you play the course, and that's why sometimes it's fun just to golf. There is a book, A Good Walk Spoiled, that is on my reading list. I think Rick Reilly wrote it but I haven't read it yet.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday Evening
The talent show was pretty sweet yesterday. I'm going to let my hair grow and do that thing they do. Someone asked me if Lunch Money played like the band. We were a lot louder and heavy metalish. I made up that word. We made people's ears bleed.
I spent the morning weeding, mowing, trimming, sweeping, spreading weed killer on weeds, and sweating. Then Ross and I went over to Monroe Valley and hit some golf balls at the range. What a beautiful days it's been.
I watched some of the NFL draft. It bores me but they certainly make a big deal out of it. Last night we went to the Bears game and watched them win the series with the Phantoms. I saw a couple kids from school. Right now the Phillies are winning.
With the response I'm getting, I think I'm going to try to set up an informal book club next year. I don't know if we'll be using AR, so that would be nice, just read books and talk about them. I'm liking the idea.
I was watching the weather channel and they are predicting 90 on Monday. Ninty! Thursday, I had frost on the windshield. Don't you just love Pennsylvania!
I spent the morning weeding, mowing, trimming, sweeping, spreading weed killer on weeds, and sweating. Then Ross and I went over to Monroe Valley and hit some golf balls at the range. What a beautiful days it's been.
I watched some of the NFL draft. It bores me but they certainly make a big deal out of it. Last night we went to the Bears game and watched them win the series with the Phantoms. I saw a couple kids from school. Right now the Phillies are winning.
With the response I'm getting, I think I'm going to try to set up an informal book club next year. I don't know if we'll be using AR, so that would be nice, just read books and talk about them. I'm liking the idea.
I was watching the weather channel and they are predicting 90 on Monday. Ninty! Thursday, I had frost on the windshield. Don't you just love Pennsylvania!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Woodpecker in the yard!!!

This morning as I took out the garbage and got the paper, I noticed a bird on the suet that I hadn't seen before. I called my wife to come and we identified it as a downy woodpecker. I tried to get a picture of it, but it flew away and lighted on my neighbors tree, so the picture wasn't clear. I found one on the internet. This is exactly what the bird looked like. That started my day off well.
I wish I taught more books. I love books. I love reading. I wish we could have a book club here. Read selected books, then have discussions about them. Just talk about the books. Nothing formal. Just, hey, I loved this book. The part where this character did this or did anyone notice that. Lots of people like Nicholas Sparks, so we could all read one of his books and then just talk about it. Maybe watch a movie based on his books. In my mind, especially in this field, learning is much more exploratory and independent. In some ways, that's why I got into this in the first place. I remember as a college senior, we had a seminar course. Each class, and we met three times a week for 50 minutes, we had one work to read, and one student would take the lead in the discussion for that day. He or she would create a hand out and we would talk about it, discuss it, disagree over it. I did a big project on the book Night, by Elie Weisel who was a boy in a Jewish concentration camp. He witnessed the death of his family but lived to tell his story. I have a copy of the book. It's rather short. But think about that. Everyone reads the book and then we discuss it. How could people allow that to happen. How could society stand by and watch the oppression and execution of people for no other reason than the fact that they were of a particular race.
Well, somehow I went from downy woodpeckers to the Holocaust.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Spring. It comes and goes. Yesterday I was at the baseball game in shorts. A half hour later it was blowing like crazy and the temperature must have dropped 20 degrees.
We are nearing the midway point of the marking period. May 1 I guess is it. The students are working on the career unit and should wrap that up by Friday. I think I have most of the grading caught up with the exception of a few stragglers
We have an extended homeroom schedule today. That throws me off. I'm notsure with my next class comes in. Looks like in five minutes. Time to take a quick walk. Later.
Oh my word. How incredibly difficult can you make the most simple instructions.
I have never watched Southpark and would actually love seeing it dropped from the lineup of television shows.
We are nearing the midway point of the marking period. May 1 I guess is it. The students are working on the career unit and should wrap that up by Friday. I think I have most of the grading caught up with the exception of a few stragglers
We have an extended homeroom schedule today. That throws me off. I'm notsure with my next class comes in. Looks like in five minutes. Time to take a quick walk. Later.
Oh my word. How incredibly difficult can you make the most simple instructions.
I have never watched Southpark and would actually love seeing it dropped from the lineup of television shows.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Today is the tenth anniversary of the Columbine tragedy. I am surprised at how quickly the time has passed. Schools have not been the same since. In fact, society hasn't been the same since. Flippant remarks which used to go unnoticed now call for notification of parents, administrators and perhaps police agencies. Cryptic poems in which students at one time vented are now looked upon as threatening. No threat is overlooked. All are taken seriously. Innocence has died a little bit more.
The weekend was beautiful. The grass is mowed, the weeds pulled. I did happen to break my lawn mower but I believe that is fixable. Hope so. One more thing I don't need to replace right now. I've seen a few students who appear to have been a bit too long in the sun. And one teacher. But today, it's rainy and rather gloomy outside, so spring hasn't fully made her appearance.
This year is just flying by. It's truly amazing how quickly September becomes April. My seniors are so anxious to move on. The juniors likewise, but I think they're a bit more realistic having another year.
Is the college use of American Indian Mascots Racist? That's a question for discussion today.
The weekend was beautiful. The grass is mowed, the weeds pulled. I did happen to break my lawn mower but I believe that is fixable. Hope so. One more thing I don't need to replace right now. I've seen a few students who appear to have been a bit too long in the sun. And one teacher. But today, it's rainy and rather gloomy outside, so spring hasn't fully made her appearance.
This year is just flying by. It's truly amazing how quickly September becomes April. My seniors are so anxious to move on. The juniors likewise, but I think they're a bit more realistic having another year.
Is the college use of American Indian Mascots Racist? That's a question for discussion today.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Good News
The new coffee maker works great! It's Friday and best, my daughter got a job, starting the Monday after she graduates from University of Central Florida and it's in her field. She'll be working at the front desk of Hotel Hershey, a four star hotel located in the lush central Pennsylvania countryside overlooking the quaint town of Hershey and Hershey Park. Sound a bit like an advertisement there, didn't I?
Not much else. I'm correcting reports on careers......
Not much else. I'm correcting reports on careers......
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Food Humor
I don't get food humor. I don't understand why people use food in that way. This morning, someone on the news was doing an interview and got a pie in the face. I'm not sure why that's supposed to be funny. I dislike the whole wedding cake in the face thing too. I think it's kind of demeaning. I'm not being overly sensitive to those people who go to bed hungry, I do think there is something to that, but I just don't get it. That's my rant for the day.
The old Accord, I now have to differentiate between the old Accord and the new Accord, got inspected yesterday. Holy cow! Muffler, ball joint, emissions, brakes, gasket, I'm not saying how much it cost but I won't be buying any new stuff for a bit. My guy says, it's good for another year. I certainly hope so.
Yesterday there were a number of political protests across the country regarding the increase in taxes and government bailouts of corporations. It was modeled after the Boston Tea Party and TEA was to stand for taxed enough already. I guess there was something in Harrisburg. I did not participate in any of these demonstrations. I do have opinions, but I'm not revealing them.
We did get a new coffee maker yesterday. I'm glad about that. It's pretty and shiny and makes a nice cup of joe! Who came up with that joe thing as a coffee name? The best coffee I ever had was in Costa Rica. Rich, full, not at all bitter. We brought a couple pounds home, but it's gone now. Yesterday I also filled the gas tank. Prices are creeping up again, but we're no where near where we were last year. I know I paid over $4 a gallon on a few occasions, so I can't complain.
The old Accord, I now have to differentiate between the old Accord and the new Accord, got inspected yesterday. Holy cow! Muffler, ball joint, emissions, brakes, gasket, I'm not saying how much it cost but I won't be buying any new stuff for a bit. My guy says, it's good for another year. I certainly hope so.
Yesterday there were a number of political protests across the country regarding the increase in taxes and government bailouts of corporations. It was modeled after the Boston Tea Party and TEA was to stand for taxed enough already. I guess there was something in Harrisburg. I did not participate in any of these demonstrations. I do have opinions, but I'm not revealing them.
We did get a new coffee maker yesterday. I'm glad about that. It's pretty and shiny and makes a nice cup of joe! Who came up with that joe thing as a coffee name? The best coffee I ever had was in Costa Rica. Rich, full, not at all bitter. We brought a couple pounds home, but it's gone now. Yesterday I also filled the gas tank. Prices are creeping up again, but we're no where near where we were last year. I know I paid over $4 a gallon on a few occasions, so I can't complain.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Welcome Back
Welcome back from a delightful break. Please be using the computers appropriately. I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble for you not using the computers correctly. Harry Kalas passed away yesterday. He was in the booth preparing for the game with Washington. I think he was 73. He must have really loved his job because most people at that age have long since retired. I did watch Chariots of Fire but I didn't get to watch Brave Heart yet. That one appears to be about three hours long.
Tonight is the season premiere of Deadliest Catch. Friday was the finale of Friday Night Lights. I wasn't sure how they were going to end the season but I must admit, they set it up for next season. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it but basically the coach is was offered another job, he was ousted as the coach at the school he was coaching, but he will be taking a job at a new school which is being reopened and which will compete with his old school. All very interesting and all very political, but of course, there will be an intense rivalry between the old school team and the new school team. I wonder where his wife will work and where his daughter will go. It's not really important and the writers have a whole season to figure it out.
Ham. Ham makes older people retain water. I'm retaining water. I ate ham. I'm old. We have lots of leftovers but I don't want to eat them because I don't want to retain more water.
My car is getting inspected tomorrow. I fear the worst. I know there's a new muffler in the works, and I know we've got a bit of oil leaking. Don't know from where other than the car. So that's tomorrow. I got one of my tax refunds yesterday. That was a nice surprise. Though and expected surprise.
Go Phillies.
Tonight is the season premiere of Deadliest Catch. Friday was the finale of Friday Night Lights. I wasn't sure how they were going to end the season but I must admit, they set it up for next season. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it but basically the coach is was offered another job, he was ousted as the coach at the school he was coaching, but he will be taking a job at a new school which is being reopened and which will compete with his old school. All very interesting and all very political, but of course, there will be an intense rivalry between the old school team and the new school team. I wonder where his wife will work and where his daughter will go. It's not really important and the writers have a whole season to figure it out.
Ham. Ham makes older people retain water. I'm retaining water. I ate ham. I'm old. We have lots of leftovers but I don't want to eat them because I don't want to retain more water.
My car is getting inspected tomorrow. I fear the worst. I know there's a new muffler in the works, and I know we've got a bit of oil leaking. Don't know from where other than the car. So that's tomorrow. I got one of my tax refunds yesterday. That was a nice surprise. Though and expected surprise.
Go Phillies.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday. The school is closed for today. I am sitting here watching a very old movie. We will be heading out in a bit. I attended church last night as part of holy week. I hope everyone has a relaxing time with friends and family.
It's later in the day. I got some stuff accomplished. I mowed the lawn. Then I put down some weed and feed. I also pulled some weeks. I don't know about putting down weed killer and the chemicals involved in them. I don't know if putting chemicals with all kinds of warning labels on the packages are good.
It's later in the day. I got some stuff accomplished. I mowed the lawn. Then I put down some weed and feed. I also pulled some weeks. I don't know about putting down weed killer and the chemicals involved in them. I don't know if putting chemicals with all kinds of warning labels on the packages are good.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Another random dress down day!
Today is a bonus dress down day. Typically, the first Friday of the month benefits the American Cancer Society. The third benefits the teachers' scholarship fund and each year we give two scholarships to deserving seniors. I believe the amount is $1500 each but I'm not sure if that's still the amount. This one benefits the Ronald McDonald House near Hershey Medical Center and the teachers' association will match all contributions. I think it's a good cause.
We don't have school tomorrow. I think a lot of people have already begun their vacation, even if just mentally. I am reading three different books right now. They are totally different, so it's not confusing, but I think this weekend when I have a bit of extra time, I'm going to try to get one done and not start anything new until they are all completed. I plan to watch two movies, Braveheart, and Chariots of Fire. Those these are both famous movies, I have never watched them. I'd like to thank Mr. Wentling for loaning them to me.
We have no school tomorrow. Today is my son's birthday and we were originally going to go out to dinner tonight but realized that we would be attending church tonight. So last night, we went to Texas Roadhouse in Harrisburg. Our waitress, Shelle, took excellent care of us and we gave her a nice tip. We started with cheddar cheese and bacon fries, I had steak, my wife had steak, my son had steak and my daughter had steak. It was steakin' good. Steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak.
We don't have school tomorrow. I think a lot of people have already begun their vacation, even if just mentally. I am reading three different books right now. They are totally different, so it's not confusing, but I think this weekend when I have a bit of extra time, I'm going to try to get one done and not start anything new until they are all completed. I plan to watch two movies, Braveheart, and Chariots of Fire. Those these are both famous movies, I have never watched them. I'd like to thank Mr. Wentling for loaning them to me.
We have no school tomorrow. Today is my son's birthday and we were originally going to go out to dinner tonight but realized that we would be attending church tonight. So last night, we went to Texas Roadhouse in Harrisburg. Our waitress, Shelle, took excellent care of us and we gave her a nice tip. We started with cheddar cheese and bacon fries, I had steak, my wife had steak, my son had steak and my daughter had steak. It was steakin' good. Steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak, steak.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mid week
It's Wednesday, it's like a Thursday because we have Friday off.
As a kid growing up, this was always a week of traditions. We always colored Easter eggs on Saturday night with mom helping. Then after church on Sunday, we would have an Easter egg hunt. Sometimes we were inside if the weather was decent and sometime, more often, they were outside. It was nice growing up in a semi-large family, though at times, I didn't like being the runt. I was the third of four children, my brother is four years older than I am, my sister, whose birthday is today in fact, was two years older than I am and my younger sister came along six years after me. They were the Easter egg hunt competitors. We also got Easter egg baskets with lots of candy. That's where I discovered hollow bunnies. As I recall, I think we also got candy at church. It was also a time for new dress shoes. It's funny how your mind works. I'm sitting here blogging and this stuff is coming back to me. Trips to the shoe store for new spring shoes. We used to get shoes at a shoe store and not a department store. My mom would take my brother and me to Dingers in Myerstown for our little suits. We always dressed in suits for church and that's where we shopped. Sometimes I'm pretty sure we got shoes there. I would get two pairs of shoes a year. One pair of dress shoes and one pair of sneakers. I don't remember when I began to buy shoes because I liked them, but at some point in time, I did. Easter memories.
I don't know how much I've talked about my family. I just gave the ages of my siblings. My mom and dad knew each other in high school, they both went to Lebanon High School, and they both graduated in 1943. Dad joined the Navy and also went to Penn State, graduating in 1948 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, while mom went to Lebanon Valley College, graduating in 1948 with a chemistry degree. They actually married between their junior and senior years, being apart for the first year of their marriage. She worked for Hershey in the lab until my brother was born. After that, she was a stay at home mom. In 1954 we lived in Avon in a home my parents built. In 1961 we moved to Robesonia in a really old house. Big and old and great fun in the summers, because we had the creek and a barn and all kinds of stuff to to keep a kid occupied. More later...
As a kid growing up, this was always a week of traditions. We always colored Easter eggs on Saturday night with mom helping. Then after church on Sunday, we would have an Easter egg hunt. Sometimes we were inside if the weather was decent and sometime, more often, they were outside. It was nice growing up in a semi-large family, though at times, I didn't like being the runt. I was the third of four children, my brother is four years older than I am, my sister, whose birthday is today in fact, was two years older than I am and my younger sister came along six years after me. They were the Easter egg hunt competitors. We also got Easter egg baskets with lots of candy. That's where I discovered hollow bunnies. As I recall, I think we also got candy at church. It was also a time for new dress shoes. It's funny how your mind works. I'm sitting here blogging and this stuff is coming back to me. Trips to the shoe store for new spring shoes. We used to get shoes at a shoe store and not a department store. My mom would take my brother and me to Dingers in Myerstown for our little suits. We always dressed in suits for church and that's where we shopped. Sometimes I'm pretty sure we got shoes there. I would get two pairs of shoes a year. One pair of dress shoes and one pair of sneakers. I don't remember when I began to buy shoes because I liked them, but at some point in time, I did. Easter memories.
I don't know how much I've talked about my family. I just gave the ages of my siblings. My mom and dad knew each other in high school, they both went to Lebanon High School, and they both graduated in 1943. Dad joined the Navy and also went to Penn State, graduating in 1948 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, while mom went to Lebanon Valley College, graduating in 1948 with a chemistry degree. They actually married between their junior and senior years, being apart for the first year of their marriage. She worked for Hershey in the lab until my brother was born. After that, she was a stay at home mom. In 1954 we lived in Avon in a home my parents built. In 1961 we moved to Robesonia in a really old house. Big and old and great fun in the summers, because we had the creek and a barn and all kinds of stuff to to keep a kid occupied. More later...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Following Blogs
I'm not following any blogs. Should I? I guess some of you are following this. It's Sunday night and Brett Myers is pitching batting practice to the Braves. That's sarcasm for you non baseball fans.
I am happy that NC won but I am in the minority in my house. I did think UConn would win, but I can say that I went to see Michigan State play back in November. I never would have expected them to be in the finals.
This week is birthday week. My sister turns 56, my son turns 25, and there are two other birthdays of close friends who shall remain nameless to protect their identities. That's a lot of cake!
The Masters starts this week. I am a golf fan. I enjoy playing golf during the summer. In fact, I try to play a lot over the summer, two or three times a week. If I lived in a warmer climate, I'd probably golf much more than I do now. I also enjoy watching golf on TV and the Masters is one of the favorite tournament to watch.
My daughter and I are sitting here discussing her research paper that she is doing for her on-line class. She has to have 12 works cited. And you guys resisted five or six.
Driving home tonight from choir practice, we hit a swarm of little bugs. The splatted their little winged bodies on the front of the new car and the windshield. What do you supposed goes through their little minds as the see a speeding car heading for them.
I got some sham wows this weekend too.
I used a sham wow to clean their little splattered bodies off the windshield. Nasty business, that bug body stuff.
I am happy that NC won but I am in the minority in my house. I did think UConn would win, but I can say that I went to see Michigan State play back in November. I never would have expected them to be in the finals.
This week is birthday week. My sister turns 56, my son turns 25, and there are two other birthdays of close friends who shall remain nameless to protect their identities. That's a lot of cake!
The Masters starts this week. I am a golf fan. I enjoy playing golf during the summer. In fact, I try to play a lot over the summer, two or three times a week. If I lived in a warmer climate, I'd probably golf much more than I do now. I also enjoy watching golf on TV and the Masters is one of the favorite tournament to watch.
My daughter and I are sitting here discussing her research paper that she is doing for her on-line class. She has to have 12 works cited. And you guys resisted five or six.
Driving home tonight from choir practice, we hit a swarm of little bugs. The splatted their little winged bodies on the front of the new car and the windshield. What do you supposed goes through their little minds as the see a speeding car heading for them.
I got some sham wows this weekend too.
I used a sham wow to clean their little splattered bodies off the windshield. Nasty business, that bug body stuff.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Dress down day!
It's Friday and it's dress down day and it's pay day. Sweet!
I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It's not really a Hawaiian shirt. I have a real Hawaiian shirt that I got in Hawaii, but I didn't wear that one.
Not bad. Hawaii?
That's a joke.
Last night I watched the final episode of ER. I would have listed that as one of my favorite shows about ten years ago, but after the Mark Green character died, I lost interest in it. I didn't know many of the regulars last night, but still it was a good show. For a show to last 15 years is quite an accomplishment, and as I look at how old I was when the show started (38) and now, a lot of time has passed, and a lot of things have happened personally in that time, and so in some ways, it's been a bit of a constant on Thursday nights.
My wife is taking a half day off today. My daughter is working late. She'll be working 11 to 8 because of interviews. I'm really hoping she gets something permanent through this internship, but she certainly has had some great experiences.
She has heard from some of her friends at WDW that there have been layoff's there. I'm pretty excited about heading down there after school is out for the year. I hope to get to WDW a bunch. Our annual passes expired July 11, so we want to get the most out of those. I also have some golf specials that I can use through the end of July to play on the WDW courses.
Next week is a short week with Good Friday, and then the following week will be a short week as well.
For all of you following my blog, I hope you have a great day. For those of you who don't follow it, you will never see this and it will be your loss.
High fives....
I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It's not really a Hawaiian shirt. I have a real Hawaiian shirt that I got in Hawaii, but I didn't wear that one.
Not bad. Hawaii?
That's a joke.
Last night I watched the final episode of ER. I would have listed that as one of my favorite shows about ten years ago, but after the Mark Green character died, I lost interest in it. I didn't know many of the regulars last night, but still it was a good show. For a show to last 15 years is quite an accomplishment, and as I look at how old I was when the show started (38) and now, a lot of time has passed, and a lot of things have happened personally in that time, and so in some ways, it's been a bit of a constant on Thursday nights.
My wife is taking a half day off today. My daughter is working late. She'll be working 11 to 8 because of interviews. I'm really hoping she gets something permanent through this internship, but she certainly has had some great experiences.
She has heard from some of her friends at WDW that there have been layoff's there. I'm pretty excited about heading down there after school is out for the year. I hope to get to WDW a bunch. Our annual passes expired July 11, so we want to get the most out of those. I also have some golf specials that I can use through the end of July to play on the WDW courses.
Next week is a short week with Good Friday, and then the following week will be a short week as well.
For all of you following my blog, I hope you have a great day. For those of you who don't follow it, you will never see this and it will be your loss.
High fives....
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fools
It's April Fool's Day. Happy April Fool's day. I don't know the significance of this day. Does anyone? I could google it but that would take effort and I'd rather just type. I understand we're having Easter dinner for lunch today.
I read a book over that past couple days called Prodigal God, written by Tim Keller. I emailed him to tell him how much I liked it. I got a response, not from him but from his administrative assistant and she said she'd pass the word along. One thing that's neat about email is you can contact authors and writers much more easily than sitting down with a pen and paper and writing out longhand letters, putting stamps on and then never knowing if they got it.
There is a virus making the rounds on the computers today. I don't mean just here. Everywhere. So apparently we shouldn't use the little thumb drives for the time being because it can be carried through that.
Not much else to say. I think next year at this time we will be in Costa Rica but I'm not really sure. Easter moves around a lot. This year it's late. Last year it was early. I don't know the formula, so it will be when it is.
I read a book over that past couple days called Prodigal God, written by Tim Keller. I emailed him to tell him how much I liked it. I got a response, not from him but from his administrative assistant and she said she'd pass the word along. One thing that's neat about email is you can contact authors and writers much more easily than sitting down with a pen and paper and writing out longhand letters, putting stamps on and then never knowing if they got it.
There is a virus making the rounds on the computers today. I don't mean just here. Everywhere. So apparently we shouldn't use the little thumb drives for the time being because it can be carried through that.
Not much else to say. I think next year at this time we will be in Costa Rica but I'm not really sure. Easter moves around a lot. This year it's late. Last year it was early. I don't know the formula, so it will be when it is.
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