Monday, September 15, 2008

Some people say they like sports, but I don't know if they really do. It sounds like one of those things people say when they think it's the right thing to say. Sometimes when I capitalize with my right hand, I hit the enter button and everything get's all weird. Sometimes I lose my train of thought. When you spell definitely wrong on microsoft, it changes it to defiant. I need to stress compounds again. The football team won Friday night in the rain. The Steelers won yesterday. The Eagle play tonight, though to be honest, I don't remember the last time I saw an entire Monday night game because they get way too late for someone of my advanced age. Penn State throttled Syracuse on Saturday though I saw none of it because I was at a wedding. The wedding was nice. Charlie Weis, the ND coach, was injured when a player came across the sideline and hit his knee. He needs to have his knee reconstructed now.
That's all folks. They say that at the end of bugs bunny cartoons.

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